Saturday, 30 October 2010

31 weeks... how many to go?

Taken today, Oct 30th, 2010 : 31 weeks

It is quite frustrating not knowing when these babes are going to arrive! I feel like I have nothing to count down to ~ in my head I'm aiming for my birthday (they'll be 35 weeks) but that's just a date I've come up with lol. I will get some indication of how they are growing on Monday as I have a growth scan but even then, I'm guessing it will just be a waiting game.

I'm feeling VERY big atm and consequently, am struggling physically. I have one more week of work to go and am really looking forward to that ending now. I've been coping fine with it but have reached a point where I just want to be on my couch all day!

I have arm braces for Carpal Tunnel which is great ~ they help so much, especially at night. Apparently I have another compressed nerve which is causing pain down the other side of my arm but we are focusing on treating the CT atm. I've also been upgraded to a large brace (lol) and I'm hoping that helps with the pelvic and sciatic pain...

I'm slightly over being pregnant now. Apart from feeling the babies move, I'm just not enjoying it anymore. Of course though, I want them to stay in for at least another 5 weeks.... we shall see :)

V xx

Monday, 25 October 2010

My Beauty

It's been a while since I posted and I'm sitting here thinking about my girl and thought it was time for a pic update :)

How can my princess be turning 8 in one week? I just can't believe it. At the same time though, she's grown up so much this year ~ it's scary.

We often joke about how I have the best kid in the world and how all of the other mummies missed out. Kara corrects me and says that all mums think that and I then tell her that they are wrong :P

She's my world. She's just such a special little girl and it's an absolute honour to be her mum.