Tuesday 14 April 2009

Super Baby

Kara and I, since she was tiny, have done what we call "Super Baby". She luuurves it. It involves me lifting her into the air on my feet and her flying ~ then I throw her onto cushions/bed and she cracks up. Every single time we do it, so gets that belly laugh that makes you melt. She's just so gorgeous.

My friends have been keeping me afloat this week too ~ both real life and cyber ones lol. Thanks so much ~ if only you knew the difference it makes.



3 Peas in a Pod said...

I love her face in this picture Vanessa!! She looks so happy. Super Baby sounds like so much fun.

Much love from NJ,

Tabitha said...

She is sooooo gorgeous Vanessa ~ sounds like you guys have such fun!
Still keeping you in my thoughts, hope all is well!
Take care ~ love and hugs Tab XXX

Sue xx said...

You are going to have to start going to the Gym so when she is 18 and asks for The Ride you can do it.