Friday 18 July 2008

Just for Kristen :P


Hellooooo ~ I've been slack but am sure you all coped just fine lol.

It's been a mad couple of weeks.

Last week, my sister came from Melbourne (unexpectedly) with the kids and we spent heaps of time at my Mum's so Kara could see them (and so I could too of course). It was a nice surprise to see everybody and takes a bit of pressure off of me to get my girl to Melbourne to see her Aunty and cousins... she loves them all so much and we haven't been there for a while.

The beginning of the first week was hard ~ Kara was at her dad's for 4 nights and it was the slowest time she's spent away so far. By the fifth day, I was just busting to see and hug her. She went again last night for 3 nights and let me tell you, I'll be glad when the holidays are over in a way ~ I just can't stand the extended visits (the kicking and screaming as she leaves doesn't help). I miss her terribly.

Early this week I met a 'cyber friend' that I used to be on a forum with ~ it was lovely finally getting to see her and meet her kids. It's amazing how you feel instantly at ease with somebody when all you've ever done is typed messages to one another :)

Apart from that, Kara and I have just spent time together. It's been so lovely. We've been to the zoo, played games, gardened, baked and just hung out with one another. I appreciate my time with her so very much and nothing is more enjoyable than just being her mum....

Soooo, all in all, it's been full on ~ I'm trying to get back into some sort of routine but it's not working. I was sick this morning and haven't moved from the couch all day lol. I am sooooo dreading Monday (back to school and up early) but at least my girl will be home :)


Tabitha said...

Sounds like you have had a really busy (but fun) time vanessa. I hope that you are not feeling sick for too long!!
My children are off school today on a holiday, they go back for 3 days next week and then they start their 6 weeks summer holidays ~ which I am so looking forward to, so we can spend some proper family time together.
Take care. Love and hugs Tabitha XXX

Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Why didn't you tell me this morning you were sick?? I won't message now in case your in bed.

After my drunken blunder the other night I'm amazed I haven't been kicked off the forum, I thought the baby was sara in the picture's little boy and she looked remarkably well for just having a baby. I have to stop drinking at night!

Anyway are you feeling better now? I'll message you in the morning, I noticed the toehair comment on msn, would that be Dan?

The weekend will go fast and your girl will ne home soon,


Tanya said...

Vanessa I hope you are feeling better!! It makes me sad to hear how much Kara gets upset when she has to go to her dad's & you.... how you must miss her so!!

I'm glad you've had time to catch up with your sister & her kids! I hope you two beautiful girls have had amazing fun times together over the holidays!

Take care,

Tanya xxx

kristen said...

Hope you are all better now. Good to see you posting and love reading about the love you have for your precious girl !!

Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Where are you miss V?

I've been feeling like crap and havent had a chance to email but was getting worried!


kristen said...

Hi there,
hope all is well with you both.
All healthy now???? fingers crossed that you are.
take care

meganxxx said...

You are slacking off again LOL!!! Actually i have been slack too but that's life sometimes hey!

Here's hoping things settle down a bit for you now and the holidays left you well rested. (except for that football team of yours letting you down AGAIN!!)
Take care
Love Meganxxx