Thursday 22 March 2007

The past couple of weeks!!!!!

Have been soooooo busy ~ some good some bad.

The good included a visit from Rachael and Sage! They were down for almost a week from Melbourne and it went too quickly. It was a bit of a rushed week but we got to spend a lot of time together which was realllllly nice. The girls hugged a lot LOL and once again, lip gloss got a beating......We took them into an indoor playground which they both loved ~ Sage more so and it ended with me climbing into the ballpit to get her out. It was quite a scene LOL ~ she grabbed onto the net and she's a strong little bugger!!!!! I finally detatched her from the net, so she went for my hair. Rachael loved every minute of it, snapping away in the background!!!!!

The Girls Series of Hugs.....


The Forum......

Is chugging along nicely!!!! It's been sooo great meeting new people (some from OS!) and chatting with those I've known for years (except you Eden :P). There was a little excitement the other night with somebody accessing the forum via another's account ~ some people just can't let go, hey G???!!!!! The hypocracy continues!

OHHHHHH it must be the week for hijacking people's sites!!!! Apparenltly, somebody (wonder who.....NOT ~ IPs are a GREAT thing!) tried numerous times to access her account and Eden was notified. Fortunately, her password was too hard for the cow involved!!!!

Some of the Bad.....

Our puppy, Charlotte, has been realllllly sick :( We still have no idea why ~ the vets are guessing just a really nasty virus. She was in puppy hospital for 2 days and the service was AMAZING. I have been called about 6 times by 2 of the vets, checking to see how she is. I highly recommend Colonel Light Vetinery Services!!!!!


I've been a bit flat with nausea for a couple of days ~ all the running around I think. I'm OK again atm, so fingers crossed.

Kara and I have thought a lot about Ava today. We think about her daily, but some days she is present throughout the day more than others. Kara, before heading to kindy, added some pink flowers to Ava's gardenia. It's the most cared for plant we have ever owned!! Then, tonight, Kara asked if I was thinking about Ava and I said ... "yes, I am". She replied with this....

"Mummy ~ you have 2 choices. You can think about Ava and her Mummy and be sad or you can focus on the fun we had with our pink plastic and pine cones". I have one very special little girl.



When we arrived at kindy, there was some acrobatics happening LOL. Kara loooooves it, so I had to share some pics!!!!


Kara has always been very good at drawing ~ I need to drag out her earliest creations!!!!
She drew Cinderella today and I think it's great for a 4 year old......the thing on the top is her bow LOL and the 2 small things either side are Jaq and Gus (the mice!)!!!!

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