Friday 12 December 2008

It's So Hard.

Kara finished reception today and has gone to her father's house for a week.... it seems like she's already been gone for that long. I miss her so very much and just hope she's a little better than "ok" for the next 6 days. I hope she has fun and the time goes fast for her. I hope with all my being she knows how much I love her and how much I wish I was there to pick her up today ~ it was so difficult not to. She wanted me to go for the 'last reception bell' as she put it but I knew that would mean more tears from her and even worse for her, tears from me.

I will never get used to this ~ never. I hope with all my heart that she does.

I love you to the moon and back sweet girl. xxxx


Tabitha said...

Vanessa ~ As always I am sending love and huge big hugs to you. This is so hard and I know that every day does feel like a week. I hope that your sweet girl will be ok.
Take care my friend ~ these things don't ever get any easier ~ you just sort of get used to it!!
Love and hugs ~ XXXX

Banks School of Scottish Dancing said...

What happened today Vanessa? I came straight over from Facebook to see what as wrong.


Tanya said...

Vanessa I don't know how hard this is for you, but I hope the time goes by so fast for you both!

take care,

t. xxx