Monday 2 February 2009

25 Random Things....

Well, it's been awfully hot here this week.... today was the 5th day over 40 degrees and last night the first to go under 30. I've been getting nothing done ~ it's just been too hot.

I was reading Sue's blog tonight and her recent post is 25 random things about her. I love reading posts like that so thought I'd follow her lead. It was harder than I thought but that may be due to sleep deprivation :)

I hope everybody had a great weekend. xx

1. I still don’t know what I want to ‘be’.
2. I taught physiology at university whilst studying before becoming a mum.
3. I looooove cointreau, soda and lime.
4. I despise lying.
5. I have an addictive personality so will avoid addictive things!
6. I grew up wanting to be a paediatrician or midwife.
7. I love to sew and create outfits for Kara.
8. The only time I dance is behind closed doors with my girl.
9. I love butterflies.
10. I hate seeing children drink Coke.
11. I would love to have another child.
12. I rarely trust somebody totally.
13. I love listening to Kara read ~ it amazes me how much she’s learnt in 6 years.
14. I am a massive hoarder…. I keep just about everything.
15. I dislike speaking on the phone.
16. I’ve always wanted to learn more about photography but have never grasped it.
17. I am terrified of spiders. I jumped from a moving car when pregnant with Kara lol because there was a huntsman in front of me.
18. I would love to be a foster parent some day.
19. I wish I had more power to protect my daughter.
20. My grandmother had 21 children and my father is the ‘baby’.
21. I think about Ava, a special Super Princess, every single day.
22. I bite my nails and have since I was tiny.
23. I can’t sleep with windows open.
24. I hardly ever iron clothes…. It’s amazing how flat you can get them with your hands :P
25. I drink way too much coffee.


3 Peas in a Pod said...

I love your list!!! We have a lot in common.

Wow your Dad has 20 siblings!! Makes my in-laws seem a bit small. Can you imagine being pregnant that many times? I can't!

#21, me too. I have the Ava with Wings picture hanging in Peyton's room. We talk to her every day. I think my daughter is trying to spite me because she refuses to say Ava. She's infatuated with the shoes and her jumping on the bed. When I first got the picture I couldn't look at it for a week or two because I would start to cry. Just.can't.image. :(

It's 40 degrees here today and I'm positive it's not the same as your 40. I hope you get some relief soon and some sleep! The heat is brutal.

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. It meant a lot.

Thanks for sharing more of you.

Much love from NJ,

Tabitha said...

That is great Vanessa ~ I love these lists ~ now I know another 25 things about you!!
I share your fear of spiders ~ yuck!!
Hope all is well with you and your sweet girl.
Take care ~ love and hugs Tabitha XXXXX

Banks School of Scottish Dancing said...

Beautiful list Vanessa. I loved reading it.

You are amazing you know!!

BTW - I totally agree about the lack of ironing!


Vanessa x said...

Lol ~ you're too kind Jus x

I just realised you did 30 things Sue lmao ~ I must have seen 25 somewhere else and got confused... not hard atm lol


3 Peas in a Pod said...

You're funny Vanessa! I did 25 random things on Facebook and then changed it to 30 for my blog....since I make the rules there. :-)

ThatChickErin said...

Hoping you aren't close to al of those fires. They're making the news big time here in California. Stay safe & cool (if you possibly can lol).

-erin :)