Tuesday 4 December 2007

Makeup on My Girl....


This is what I have been dreading about Kara being involved in Ballet..... the concert and the horrid makeup.

Apparently, it's important for 4 and 5 year olds to wear red lipstick, green or blue eyeshadow and foundation. I just don't get it and I hate it. Everybody keeps saying it looks horrid close up and great on stage but I think the girls would look great on stage without it pmsl.

Anyway, the concert is in 2 weeks and it's so full on. They have 3 full dress rehearsals, one photography makeup shoot (ummmmm.......) and then the night before, they do the whole thing at the theatre where the big night happens. I really am surprised by the enormity of it. I'm hoping Kara's not worn out before the big night ~ as it is, she falls over when she's dancing LMFAO.

Tonight, we found some red lipstick (an Avon sample that Kara has now claimed due to its size) and Kara wanted a practice run. She LOVED it. She puckered, stared and pranced around like she was a queen. She's worn lippy before but never bright red........she's so divine :)

We then went on to trying on the sports uniform for her school visit tomorrow. She loved that just as much ~ my baby is growing up too fast.

How she likes to wear it..... :P

1 comment:

Danielle said...

She's growing up!!!!!

I feel your pain in relation to dancing. It was the same for us and Maddy is 9, so I can only imagine doing it all with a five year old.

Thinking of you xxxxx