Thursday 20 March 2008

My Little Green Machine.

It seems like it's been months since I posted and I reckon I've aged about 20 years lol. It's been a difficult couple of weeks ~ realising what the court outcome actually means and what I 'might' lose in 2 years time....I'm already saving for the next trial :P

Kara had her first Sports Day yesterday and oh my, she gets sooooo into events like that. We bought her green tee and put her house team across the front and complete with green zinc, green plaits and green nail polish, she felt pretty special LOL.

Her team came second for the overall sports events and first for cooperation and sportspersonship (I personally think that's the better thing to win :P).


Tabitha said...

She looks really great. I agree with you, it's not about the winning, having fun is more important. Hope that things are ok with you regarding the court matters etc, things do get better and 2 years is a long time, alot can change in that time.
Best wishes to you both.
Tabitha X

Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Oh Vanessa, she's gorgeous and I'm so glad you've had something "fun" in your lives recently.

I LOVE school sports, the kids have a ball and who cares if they run first or last. To see those little faces concentratiing on getting to the finish line is priceless.

On a different note,your not going to lose anything. You have to think positive, 2 and a bit years is still a long way off and sooo much can change before then. That's what you have to keep telling yourself. I'll personally rip his eyes out for you, I can't bare the thought of you losing your baby girl, it makes me so damn angry.

My cousins going through the same thing with her ex and they have a week each with their children and it takes her half a week to get them back to normal after he has them. He's only doing it to spite her because she finally got the guts to leave him.
So i can kind of see your plight in what she's going through, although I know every case is different. Her ex only wants the kids because he knows thats how he can hurt her the most. Plus he's seeing someone else, so my cousin has to deal with some other women doing things with her children when she's sitting at home alone missing them. Aaarrgh, I feel so upset for her because she's a great Mum.

Anyway.... that's not for you to worry about, you just have to hang in there and keep fighting!

I hope you've got Kara for easter,enjoy the chocolate.
