Sunday 2 March 2008

Just Gorgeous

Isn't she just lovely?

As I sit here typing (and bawling....), I am imagining the "what ifs" of tomorrow's outcome. I know I shouldn't but it's too hard not to. I try to tell myself that the worst that can happen is 50-50 but that just shakes me to my core. Every part of my mind and soul knows that's not what is best for Kara. It's simply not.

Baby girl, nomatter what happens tomorrow, I love you to the moon and back (more times than can be counted) and I hope I've done enough to ensure you get to keep your stability.

I love you so much sweet girl. You amaze me every second we're together and I'm so so proud of what and who you are. Kisses and hugs to the most gorgeous princess in my world. xxxxooooo


Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Oh Vanessa, now you've made me cry too! Yes she is gorgeous.
I just jumped onto your blog to wish you luck for tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you.
Does Kara go too, does she get any formal say in the matter?
All fingers and toes crossed for you, still hoping 'the shit' chokes on his chewy driving to court!

all positive thoughts,


Vanessa x said...

Oh thanks so much Em..... I am soooo nervous.

No, Kara doesn't go to court ~ it's good in one way (because I don't want her a part of the process) but I do wish she was listened to at the same time.

Thanks again xxx

jeanie said...

I am thinking of you today, and I really hope that some common sense is applied to the matter.

its not about rights - its about a child, and she is truly beautiful.

Good luck!

kristen said...

Good luck. I am thinking of you. Fingers crossed for a freat outcome.

Mishy said...

Wishing you the best of luck Vanessa! My prayers have been with you all day - I pray that the judge listens to you and reads between the lines of her father's intent.

Awaiting your update anxiously.

Huge Hugs,