Wednesday 9 January 2008

Can't Sleep....'s 1:35am and although I'm buggered, my body just won't sleep. So, of course I sit here going through folder upon folder of photos (of Kara....).

There are a couple from our recent trip to Qld which for whatever reason appeal to me ~ I adore Kara in white, so maybe that's part of it.....

The other day, I was trying to get a decent pic of my girl and she kept squinting ~ I asked her to open her eyes, so she shoved something into her mouth and did as I asked..... maybe squinting would have been better lmao...

This last pic, I just love. I know it's not a 'great' pic by any means but Kara looks so happy. She had just arrived home on Christmas morning and saw all of her presents ~ she was sooooo rapt.

So far, I am loving 2008. There's a fair bit of crap coming up over the next couple of months but I'm managing to block it alllllll out. I've not been able to do that in the past, so I'm hoping the court stuff will be more managable this time round :) Off to try to sleep..... xxx


Danielle said...

I love those pics, especially the one with the funny face.

I'm with you with keeping the odd hours. Story of my life at the moment.

Hope to catch you soon.


Trudi said...

I love her in white too V - Gorgeous!