Monday 15 October 2007

A Gorgeous Day....

It's been a shit of a week!!!! I've been sick again and had a migraine from hell over the weekend ~ not nice. That involves me lying in a dark room, bashing my head and vomitting. Then, once it goes, I have a hangover feeling for a few days.

Today's the first non-groggy day, so Kara and I went to the beach (for a swim) for the first time in ages. I LOVE summer weather!!!!! Back to 19 tomorrow but up to the 30s by the end of the week, so more beach visits coming up :)

My girl is growing up so fast. She's changed so much of late ~ both in her behaviour and her appearance. I feel like I'm the luckiest mummy in the world.

Oh, I still suck at using my new camera :( I've borrowed some books but that's as far as I've got. It's starting to frustrate me now and I still pull out my point and shoot :P


Ali said...

Poor love I have been wondering why you have not been around. Kara looks amazing, I adore that last photo, its absolutely gorgeous.

jeanie said...

Oh - must have been something in the air on Sunday, although I can source the problem for me.

Beautiful shots - she is a beautiful girl, and you obviously love being her mother.

Danielle said...

Those pics are lovely. I so want a new camera!!!!!! She looks so happy. I hope your feeling better this week Dxxxxxx