Monday 3 November 2008

All About Kara

Well yesterday was :)

I am sooooo exhausted. Friday, Saturday and half of Sunday was spent cooking and organising and preparing the backyard for thunderstorms ~ fortunately, it came early and by about 9 am, the weather was perfect!!!

For the first part of Kara's party, the kids bounced, glued and built sand castles. They filled themselves with sugar and that made them bounce some more :P

Then, the animals arrived. We had a snake, a lizard, sugar gliders, a possum, a rabbit, a ferret and a green treefrog. The snake, by far, was the hit of the day. Most of the kids had him wrapped around their necks and slithering on their faces... it's so adorable. I'm a bit disappointed with my pics ~ I seem to be getting worse rather than better lol.

I'm feeling so flat today. Kara had a massive melt down today and I ended up having to take her home from school because her father was picking her up. It just leaves me feeling so helpless as her mother. I know I sound like a broken record but I'm having one of those downers tonight. Kara got so many divine presents but I just wish I could give her the one thing she so desperately wants ~ her stability back.

The mask she made.....

I've been telling her there was no way she'd get a Wii before Christmas.....


Tanya said...

Oh it looks & sounds like Kara had a Beauty Full birthday!! Your photos are just beautiful! Kara is absolutely gorgeous in her tiara.. Beautiful Birthday Princess! I'm so sorry that you're feeling so down... you know what.. tonight I was feeling absolutely down & out about my photography, feeling that I should pack it away... then I read your post & realize how pathetic I am.... at least I have my babies with me all the time & don't have to go through the pain & separation that you & Kara have to go through!! Keep your head up sweetie :)

love & big hugs,

tanya xoxoxox

Vanessa x said...

Oh Tanya ~ your photos are just beautiful... don't even think about stopping.

One thing I've realised over the past years is that you just can't 'compare' your down times with're entitled to feel down about what you feel passionate about and that definitely doesn't make you pathetic. What Kara and I are experiencing is nothing compared to what some others do (and I do know that) but despite that, it's our problem and to us, it's huge.

I think I'm rambling (again). I'm soooo tired but just can't sleep.


Tabitha said...

I am so glad that Kara had so much fun ~ it looks great!
I love the picture of the frog ~ I had to look twice as it didn't look real first time ha ha !!
Vanessa ~ I am so sorry that things are still up and down for you. I do know how you feel ~ I really do!!
Take care ~ sending lots of love and hugs to you both XXXXXX

Sue xx said...

Yay Happy Birthday big girl!!!!

OMG I am so coming to a Kara party one year they are so much fun :)

Sue xx