Friday 7 November 2008


I know ~ I brag about Kara a lot. There are many reasons for it though. Sure, she's not perfect (to anybody else) but to me, she is. She's precious. She's amazing. She's full of beauty.

A worry of mine (at times) is that I overcompensate for what she has to go through. I buy her most of what she wants out of guilt. It's so difficult not to. When you've just watched your 6 year old cry for an hour because she doesn't like what's happening in her life, you tend to spoil her. When she announces she's 6 and soon people will listen to her and she'll have choices, you just want to crumble on the spot (because you know what she's referring to). I do anyway. It rips me apart and I hope, every single day, that this part of normal for Kara will one day be gone.

Yesterday, my girl came up to me, spontaneously. She sat on my lap, hugged me and kissed me. She then said, with a tear in her eye, "Mummy, you're so much better than any present or the money I just got for my birthday. You're the best gift and I'm so glad I've got you". She said it with so much meaning.

Kara comes out with some pretty insightful things at times but that pulled tears from my eyes ~ there was no holding back that time.

If only she knew she was the gift.

I wanted to post a pic of us and in this, I'm covered in makeup so it's a good one lol.


kristen said...

AWWHHH that is the sweetest thing.
Such a lucky mum to have a great daughter.

Love the photo by the way. That one needs a frame.

Tabitha said...

That is so lovely Vanessa ~ she is so sweet and certainly has her head screwed on!!!
I love the photo ~ totally gorgeous.
Love and big hugs Tabitha XXXX

Kylie and Amber said...

OMG Vanessa that is the most beautiful photo of the both of you, it is truly stunning.

Kara will get her say soon and her father isn't going to like what she has to say. I just wish for both of your sakes that you didn't have to go through all this pain. Life is so unfair sometimes. At least he gave you one beautiful thing Kara.

Tanya said...

Oh Vanessa, love that photo of you & Kara, it's just gorgeous!! That is one very amazing little girl you have!

Love & hugs,
Tanya xoxoxo