Monday 17 November 2008

And the Reason Is?

People often say everything happens for a reason. I've always had a problem with this saying. I disagree. I think there are some things that need not happen and the world would continue spinning in a more positive way.

So, where am I going with this? Three guesses.

Yes, I'm a broken record but this blog allows me to release so that's what I'm doing.

I've had a series of email exchanges with Kara's father tonight. Pointless really. They only ever validate what I think about him. He's a toe hair. He's selfish. He constantly attempts to lessen the bond I have with Kara. He is a waste of space. His new demand. I am not to attend anything that Kara has on when she is in his care. If I do, he won't take her. He is a massive control freak and he is threatened by the relationship we have. Don't get me wrong ~ I'm in no hurry to join social gatherings that he's at. BUT if my daughter has a school event, concert, party or whatever, why should her mother not be a part of that? How can 'shared parenting' work with such ludicrous demands? As much as I despise this man, I have always made a massive effort at events that we have both attended.

For two years I have tried to see the importance of Kara spending time with her father. I have read articles. I have spoken to other fathers ~ both nuclear and single. I have seeked professional advise to help Kara and myself deal with the massive changes that are occurring. I try to be positive about it all. Truly, I do.

But then he does what he does. He speaks me down to her. He makes her feel uncomfortable about phoning her Mum. He goes out of his way to paint me in a negative light to Kara. She, fortunately, sees through it all but it still hurts.

In the coming months, Kara will spend more time at her father's than ever before. She is extremely apprehensive about it all. She asks why it has to happen when he's not even there ~ why she just can't stay home with me. WHAT do I tell her? How do I tell my girl it's important for her to go even if her father won't be with her?

I miss my daughter so much. I worry about her even more. I keep hoping that she's already molded into the gorgeous person that she is and his influence will be minimal. I hope that whatever thoughts he throws at her won't break the bond we have.

I'm so scared.


Tabitha said...

Oh Vanessa ~ so sorry that he is making these unreasonable demands!!
Surely he can't dictate where you do or do not go?
Thinking of you my friend, I know this is hard ~ although my experience is not the same as yours ~ I have been through similar!
Love and big hugs to you and your sweet wonderful girl,

3 Peas in a Pod said...

Hi Vanessa!

I've been reading your blog for a couple of months but have never commented until today. I feel so bad that you have to go through this. You should definitely be a part of your daughter's events regardless of whether she's with you or him. I don't have any experience being a single parent and wish I had some wonderful words of wisdom to offer you.

Keep your head up and know in your heart that you're doing the right thing by your daughter. You're being the mature adult regardless of how you feel about her father. Hang in there! :)

Much love from NJ

samantha said...

i actually had tears rolling down my face, i truly hope it gets better, i really do feel for you, he is a sick person!

lots of love

kristen said...

Oh you poor love having to go through all this.
Your sweet girl will always have you and will thank you one day.

Stay strong and don't give in on anything !!
you're doing a wonderful job.

Vanessa x said...

I wanted to Em :P

The guy is a twat.

He just picked Kara up and as usual, she was hesitant. She wants to hug, kiss, hug, kiss and then have one last hug and kiss ~ all this with tears. I speed up the process as much as I can but as it's happening, he stands there huffing and puffing and looking toward the car at his live in babysitter.

Seriously, what does the f*cker want me to do? Shove my daughter out and lock the door? Actually, that's what he does want but there's no way I'm doing it.

Every.Single.Day. I ask what Kara has done to deserve this. How and why does he do it to her when I KNOW he doesn't even want it? I know that because he's told me.

I hate him.

Sue xx said...

Wow has the court let this happen. I cannot believe it I am speechless. I'm sure too that he'd be going to all these events and not sending the 'babysitter' along instead. I know he doesn't think like a normal person but it still floors me that he wants to take this from you. I am always at the kids firsts, first ballet concert, first class talk, first concert band.
Big Hugs
Sue xx