Wednesday 11 July 2007

His Little Game.....

Hate is a strong word but one which I cannot help using at the moment.

You may remember me posting that things were finally settling down with Kara's father. Well, last week, things were excellent!!! We had some proposed orders written up, they were presented at court and all that needed to happen, was they be typed up in the correct way and we sign them. We were all set and 16 months of absolute stress were over. I couldn't believe it.

Well, I shouldn't have believed it. On Monday, Kara's lovely father decided to send an email saying he doesn't agree (now) with heaps of the orders (he agreed to in court) and he wants a heap of deletions and additions. So, here we go again. Back to court in a few weeks to supposedly submit papers, but now, we will have to say it's still not agreed upon. He is going to look like a tosser, which is more than apt actually.

I wish he would sail away on his little boat and stop causing so much hurt to us. He really has no idea.

Ahhhh ~ that feels better.


Sue xx said...

Grrrrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!!!!

Fari said...

Oh no! I hope everything gets settled. I am sorry you have to go through so much.

jeanie said...

Hey there - not sure if I have delurked before - that is so sad that your hopes for a peaceful outcome has been dashed.