Friday 6 July 2007

A Horrid Experience :(

Last night, my baby wasn't well. She had a fever all day but in the late afternoon, we couldn't get it down. At 11pm, she started complaining of a sore neck and limbs and she was so so hot. Of course, I panicked and took her to the Children's Hospital, just in case.

On the way, Kara vomitted EVERYWHERE in the car. We arrived at the hospital and they were so good there ~ we were seen almost immediately. After an hour or two (time kind of gets muddled for me when Kara's sick lol), her temperature started to drop, but the doctors wanted to take blood to work out what was happening. Well, that was an experience in itself. Kara was genuinely terrified and it was just awful to see that. It took them about 15 mins in the end and I hated every single second of it.

Then, after a couple of hours, this happened. It was so awful. I am trying to focus on the fact that she is "OK" now, but at the time, the worst thoughts were going through my mind. Kara was looking at me. I was speaking with her and there was no reaction from her ~ nothing at all. After about 10 seconds, my speaking turned to screaming, but still no response. She had a glazed look and I was absolutely terrified. Her temperature was normal at this point, so I didn't think it could be anything to do with that ~ I really had no idea. I called over a doctor and it continued for a couple of minutes. She just wouldn't react to anybody. Then, I *think* I screamed and shook her and it made her scream. It was all just horrible.

At this point, the doctors suggested a Lumbar Puncture and I didn't want to even know the reasons why they wanted that, because I already knew. I said 'NO' and insisted we wait on the blood results before they put her through that and they agreed. They said she would stay the night and if there was no change in the morning, we would have to consider the Lumbar Puncture then.

Thank goodness, when morning came, my girl was a lot better. She's still hot and not herself but she's responding as she should be and she is eating and drinking. They sent her home with strict instrutions to rest.

I know Kara is OK but all day, I would look at her and just cry. It was just such an awful experience. Our kids are just too fragile.

I love you soooooooooooooooooooooooo much Princess and am so sorry you had to experience last night.


Fari said...

Awwwwww!! I hope she gets well soon. I'll be praying for her.

Lots of hugs and kisses for Darling Kara

Ali said...

OMG V that is awful, I am extremely relieved to hear Kara is OK.

As a parent that is the worst kind of situation to be in, we walk such a fine line in life, never really thinking or in all honesty never really wanting to think that anything bad could ever happen to our beautiful children, but unfortunately we know how horribly wrong things can go.

Big fat kiss for Kara and an even bigger kiss and hug for mummy V.


Kim said...

Isuspect it was "the boy germs" from your previous post that did it, keep her away from those boys Ness!!
Hope she is feeling better now (you too)

Vanessa x said...

LMAO Kim ~ her Nanna told her off today for kissing a boy with her eyes closed and Kara's response was "but I'm marrying him". PMSL