Wednesday 4 July 2007

OMG She is Closing her Eyes!!!!!!!!!

Sould I be worried lmfao.

Tonight, when saying goodbye, Evan and Kara embraced, Kara ruffled Evan's hair and then he grabbed her and this happened.

OMG. Tanya and I lost it (I was almost crying pmsl) ~ it was hilarious and I am so glad I caught the embrace....


Rachael said...

you Sould be worried!! (he,he)

Fari said...

Awww young love!

Tan said...

That's my boy! He must be a good kisser if K has her eyes closed - in raptures!!! He he he

karla said...

Hi Vanessa

I can't even begin to express how touched I am that you took the time to write to me. Thank you so much.

Knowing that Ava’s brief existence has touched the hearts of others brings me much comfort and peace.

It’s amazing how the internet connects people isn’t it? Your kind words have made me blush and most definitely put on a smile on my face.

And your sweet Kara is an absolute cutie pie.



Vanessa x said...

Karla ~ it was all the truth. The strength that it must take to share your experiences surrounding your daughter astounds me and it helps others understand the massive impact of your loss. People with your strength make people like me (who are lucky to have not experienced what you have) appreciate our kids that little bit more (if that's possible lol).
