Sunday 12 August 2007

Six Panels of Metal are about to Change My Life!!!

I hate clutter.

It's a bit of a problem though, actually a huge problem, as I am a massive hoarder. I just hate to throw anything which has the slightest memory attached. As an example, I have the scab from Kara's umbilical cord in a film canaster somewhere LMAO. I also find it really hard to part with clothing, especially Kara's, although I am getting better. This year has made me realise that clothes aren't as important as I make them......

Anyyyyyway, due to my excess crap and my tiny rented house, it's so difficult to keep things ordered here. I also love to sew and am in the process of building that up again, so I need room for my fabric (and there is literally thousands of metres of it....). That is why I have decided to buy a BIG shed!!!!!!!!!!! Well, it's big compared to what it was initially going to started at 1.5 metres square and I ended up getting one which is 3 metres but 2.4 metres. We decided on a cream colourbond (Kara's choice ~ the salesman looked at me strangely as I allowed Kara to choose the colour, style etc...).

It's going to be my new best friend for a while (it arrives on Friday!!!!) and it means Kara can finally get the aquatically themed playroom she has been nagging for :) I am sooooo excited.

After the playroom, I am going to paint all of my bedroom furniture white (it's all mismatched atm), finish Kara's room (FINALLY) and then make Kara's garden.... I need to keep busy while she's at her dad's for the long stays and have decided that each weekend she is there, I will do one task which improves this place.



Melinda said...

Love the aquatically-themed playroom... she'll never want to come out! Your plans are making me tired. (yawn). May need a nap now.

jeanie said...

Oh Wow - a shed!! If it isn't lined you might want to waterproof somehow where your materials are - but what fun.

Vanessa x said...

LMAO Melinda ~ they are only plans pmsl.... the reality is that they may stay as plans for months yet :P I need to act before this short burst of energy runs out..... I was even thinking last night that i should paint a panel of my bed, cupboard and draws so that it forces me to continue them LOL.

Really Jeanie??? I need to waterproof it? Oh god, I have no idea about things like this LMAO. What if the fabric was all in big tubs with lids???

Danielle said...

I confess here in this safe environment that I to am a hoarder!!!! I try to get rid of things but always end up starting another box of very important things, as each of these boxes read.

I'm with you expansion is the only answer!!!

I hope court has gone ok, have been thinking of you both xxxxx