Thursday 16 August 2007

Thinking of Ava....

I haven't written much about Ava on this blog but that in no way reflects how much that little Princess has impacted on my (and Kara's) life. Her loss has made many many people realise just what is important and her short three years have left unmeasurable memories. Having only spent 2 days with Ava and her gorgeous Mummy, I almost feel I don't have the right to feel the way I do but she was such a special little girl and spending one hour, one day or one week with her would have made little difference. It only took seconds to see her amazing beauty and there was just something about her.....

Today, on the way to kindy, Kara was upset. It was sudden and she was perfectly happy seconds before. I asked what was wrong and she said she is thinking about Ava ~ that she has been thinking about her for days. She told me she has told everybody she knows about her friend and that she misses her. She really does miss her. She only met her last year for a short time but that's the kind of kid Ava was ~ you fell instantly in love with her. She went on to explain how she knows Ava is in a dreamland now and that the faries are all loving and looking after her. She said she has dream eyes, legs and arms and that she is making her a card to send so that she can catch it in the clouds. She said she just knows Ava is happy and OK.
Kids are amazing. I have never said any of this to Kara ~ it's simply what she believes and I think she must be right.

Ava ~ you are soooo missed and so loved Princess. You have changed so many lives, including mine. Love to your Mummy, Daddy and your brothers and sister. xxxxxx

1 comment:

Fari said...

Oh Vanessa, I know what you mean when you said Ava was, IS, a very special kid. I have never met her and prior to her death, I didn't even know her but yet I still think about her nearly every day and she changed me forever from the kind of person I was. Nobody ever impacted me as much as Ava's death have. It really made me sit up and think about what really is important in life and what really matters.

I have never met her but yet I still miss her and like you, sometimes I feel like I have no right to feel that way.

But Kara is right. I am sure Ava is now dancing with ballerina angels and fairies wearing a pink tutu and smiling away knowing how much loved she is.