Tuesday 11 September 2007

Getting There.....

I've been feeling really crappy of late ~ all the court stuff is just getting too much and the realisation that I have to deal with Kara's father and miss out on my daughter is so difficult. I hope that one day the hate I have for him will subside but that won't happen until he (if he ever does) starts putting Kara's needs first.....

Having said that, we have had a few really great days with friends and today, with Mum. It's Showtime in Adelaide atm and we have already been twice ~ Kara just has an absolute blast and it's worth watching your money just evaporate LOL. Last week we went with Tanya and Evan and they were sooo cute..... they had a ball together. Today we went with my Mum and the highlight for all involved was smashing the crap out of the dodgem cars :P Mum was warned several times to drive in the right direction as she headed toward me full speed LMAO.

Here are some pics ~ there are heaps but there are soooo many more.

I look at some of these photos and tell myself Kara still is a happy little girl....sometimes I need to focus on that.

Arriving!!! Her little face just lit up...

The "biggest" Thing Kara has ever won ~ according to Kara lol!!

Her First Rollercoaster!!!!!

The Kangaroo Ride ~ This was soooooooo CUTE!

Just Cute!!!!

Some from Today


Sue xx said...

Oh wow they look like they are having the time of their lives! Imagine when they are older showing them these pics, they are going to bring back so many good memories! I know it is hard but you really truly are making such a wonderful life for Kara!
Sue xx

Vanessa x said...

MWAH to you Sue xxxxx

We have had such a great few days and Kara has been the happiest she's been in ages. She has to go for the weekend tomorrow, so what we do now, is plan something really exciting for Sunday or Monday.... her father sees it as bribery but it's just not like that. It helps her get through having to see his face for 2 days :P.... she told me last night that when she's there, she tries so hard to look happy but that she's sad on the inside. She blows me away..... I wish I could blow him away hahaha.
