Wednesday 5 September 2007

They Say Little Girls Often Choose Partners Like Their Father....

I need to find some reports which suggest otherwise because if it's true, Kara is doomed.

It's no secret ~ I hate my daughter's father. He is arrogant, manipulating, a cheat, selfish and those are his positive points.

We had court today and our case is now going to trial. Why??? Well, not because he is worried about spending time with Kara ~ that would be putting her first but he doesn't do that. There are two reasons we are going to trial:

* he wants to take my 4 year old on a racing yacht. This isn't just any boat (which I would hate anyway :P) ~ this is a racing yacht. It has no sides. I have not said he can never take her ~ just not until she can swim independantly. I would have thought that was reasonable ~ I keep having to remind myself he is not.

* he wants to take Kara to Canada for 3 weeks, even though when he wants it to occur, she would have only spent 3 nights in a row with him. Please keep in mind that she still is opposed to 2 sleepovers ~ don't think she would be too keen on 21.

So, because of these two issues, we didn't settle at court today.

This man is the most selfish being I have ever met. Unfortunatly, I lost all control at court today and let it all out. If he had any doubt about how I felt, he wouldn't now :P


Ali said...

Priceless really, I did not think he could be anymore unreasonable.

I cannot really believe that they are even issues to be considored. Mia can swim proficiently and I would be reluctant to let her go out on a racing yacht. As for the extended sleepover in a foreign country I am speechless.

Keep going V you are Kara's most important advocate. Off to ebay to look for the voodoo doll LOL.

Sue xx said...

I have issues with children on boats, I would want all three of mine hooked to me with those things some parents use to keep their kids from running in the shops!

Umm are you not going fast in a racing yacht and need to concentrate on steering??? How can he do that and watch Kara! Some people are just numnuts!!!!!!

I wish I could just come over and down a bottle of vino with you!

Sue xx

Danielle said...

Your doing so well. I promise I did not marry a man like my father. I think my father wishes I had married a man more like him, but then he wouldn't have anything to winge about!
