Wednesday 26 September 2007

My Little Doctor.....

With some of the ideas that Kara's been coming out with lately, I wouldn't be surprised if she really was one of these one day LMAO :P

At kindy this week, there's been a medical station set up LOL and it's the first thing Kara runs too. It is just soooooo cute. She gets all decked out and then walks around the kindy announcing she "needs patients". A couple of game kids usually accept her offer and then she gets to work. It really is just so bloody gorgeous :)

On the court front, we had it again today. It was a so called "Dispute Resolution" conference, which translated means..... organise care for Kara in the middle of the day, turn up and leave because her father is an absolute toss*r. He apparently ( I requested separate rooms so I didn't have to hear his crap) was not interested in negotiating on any level. WHYYYYYY did he even turn up then??? Because he is dumb :P

I'm feeling OK though. My friends and Mum have all been so great and supportive, as they can see the strain this whole situation has caused and tonight, I got home to a lovely message from my step brother which made my week~ thanks Sam..... it meant more than you could imagine xxxx

Now, for my little doctor.... :P

I just adore this pic of my princess. She was about to roll off of her bed and the next few photos (which I haven't added here) result in her falling off :)

1 comment:

Ali said...

She looks fabulous Vanessa, can see her in years to come LOL.