Saturday 12 May 2007


Those who know me know what is happening in our lives at the moment and it's the most challenging situation I have EVER been faced with. I just don't know what to do. I don't know if I can do anything but I need to try.

I am in a space at the moment where everything just seems so pointless. PLEASE please send some positiveness our way ~ I believe it has to help some way.


Anonymous said...

Just remember that the struggles on both sides are due to a common love of a terrific little girl. You have said that he loves her. I would be torn apart like you if I couldn't see my kids every day. Maybe he feels a bit like this too. She's a gorgeous little thing, so I can understand him wanting his share of her. But before you start HATING me (!!) it would kill me to be in your shoes too....


Vanessa x said...

That's just it Jane. This has all been about 'his share' as you put it. What about my child? What about what's right for Kara? I am not debating the fact that Kara should have alternate weekends and mid week sleepovers. I am debating the whole 50-50 living situation. It is rubbish. Can anybody honestly say, that it is a situation suited to a 5, 6, 7 year old child, especially when she has never lived with this man? It's not a situation where she was living with both parents who then parted. It's a situation where changes are taking place according to HIS needs. Kara has a happy stable home. Yes, Kara needs her father involved in her life BUT Kara's whole world should not be changed to enable that. Her father claims that he has a great relationship with Kara and Kara has been 'assessed' to be a very happy little girl. Why then cause more change in her life if what is working is already in place?

This should not be about his rights/share or my rights/share. If that was the debate, well I know what he deserves...... this is about a little girl who's life is going to change in a way that SHE doesn't want. Kara is still struggling with a full weekend ~ how is she supposed to go a week at a time away from her mother? How is that in her interests? It's not ~ it's in his interests.

I did hesitate posting this as I do NOT want a debate about this on my blog ~ I will not publish comments which attempt to form one either. I understand my daughter is entitled to a father in her life ~ I am in no way debating that. BUT she is also entitled to not be the victim in this and believe me, if what has been proposed is in place, she will be.

I don't hate you Jane ~ you are entitled to an opinion but I just don't agree with it lol.

V xxx

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with the whole fifty/fifty thing full stop, in my opinion its wrong!!

Anonymous said...

OK. Points VERY well made. Perhaps look at law as your next career (you'd be a good barrister!!)
