Saturday 5 April 2008

The Impromptu Road Trip....


Tuesday night, I went to the airport to send my nephews back home to Melbourne.... they are 8 and 12 years old.

Upon our arrival, I took Jaye to the checkin counter and the staff at Tiger Airlines inform me that children under 14 are not allowed to travel unaccompanied ~ not even at an extra expense (****I did not book the flights ~ I would read the conditions lmao....a man did it haha). So, basically, we were stuffed.

The next morning, Kara, Jaye, Zak and I drove to Melbourne. It was not at all planned ~ the animals were not organised, no packing was done, Kara has school still blah blah blah. I feel soooo buggered, although it's also been great to catch up with people. We head home on Monday and I'm not one bit looking foward to the drive.... as good as Kara is.

Today, we met up with some friends at an indoor playground and look at this pic of my daughter and her cousin..... oh the love :P

And this.... I always get roped in to going down the slides :P

Oh and my girl doing her best to induce heart failure in me..... this slide is SO steep.


Tabitha said...

I felt the same when I drove to my Mums, that was a 5 hour drive each way, I spent the whole weekend dreading the drive back. It looks like you are having fun anyway.
Have a good trip back.
Tabitha X

Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Vanessa, what kids place are you at, it's not spacekids in Hallam is it? At least you can over on a nice weekend, last week was bloody freezing.

Love Kara's hair clip too.


Emma-Kate Castricum said...

OMFG, I just knew it looked familiar and the last play place I was at was kidspace but it's lollypops. I live in Berwick which is the next town down. I've lived here all of my life. We go to Lollypops alot because every child in Cooper's school either has their B'day party at Lollypops or Kidspace, aaargh. Kidspace has much scarier slides so you would freak.

How funny, I drove past there twice yesterday, Next time your down and in the area, let me know, how funny would that be!


kristen said...

Wow you would be exhausted. That's a long drive.
I must check out these play centres next time we are at Fountain Gate. They look good.

Vanessa x said...

OHHHHH BUGGER Em!!!! If only I knew ..... My sister lives in Narre Warren, so it's a place we go to a lot when we're in Melbourne.

We just walked in the door after the trip home from HELL...... next time I'm sending the kids back in cages LMAO! We blew a tyre in the middle of whoop whoop and changing a tyre is NOT my forte :P Not happy Jan...


Banks School of Scottish Dancing said...

OH NO re the tyre!!!
Glad you got home safely though!

ONYA for going on the slide Vanessa!!!

Vanessa x said...

LOL I have more fun that the kids :P If only you could take some wine in lmao.