Monday 28 April 2008

Oh My Gosh......



Last week, the unimaginable happened..... Kara announced she wanted short hair.

I love her long hair. It's been growing for 5 years and I've always been very relieved that she's loved it too. So when she insisted "it's my hair though Mummy, so I should be able to choose", I had to agree.

So, this morning, we went to get it cut.... I absolutely ADORE it! Her little face looks even more divine and she is so happy with it.

It does make her look older though :( My baby is growing too fast.


Do you think she likes it? :P


meganxxx said...

Looove it Vanessa! PMSL@ her reasoning too-she certainly knows what she wants!! Gorgeousxx

Emma-Kate Castricum said...

It look's fantastic, and soooo thick. i actually took Kitty for her 2nd haircut today but I didn't exactly get the smiles during the cut like you got from Kara. I basically had to stick her on my knee in a bear hug while the poor hairdresser did what she could!!

Kara look's lovely and how divine is that top on her!

Tabitha said...

Wow ~ that looks really great and she is even more beautiful now (if that were possible!!).
I know what you mean about the growing up too quickly part ~ where does the time go?
love and hugs
Tabitha X

Vanessa x said...

Aww thanks guys!!!

You know, I can't stop looking at her LOL. She just looks so grown up ~ it's amazing how a haircut can change them so much.

Em ~ that top..... I don't think I have ever hit the BUY IT NOW button on Ebay faster than I did for that LMAO. I'm a bit of a kimono freak and that's one of my favs....I have it in a mummy size lol

Tabitha said...

Hi Vanessa,
I was tagged on my blog and have to tag 6 fellow bloggers ~ so I have tagged you (hope you don't mind!!).
Pop over to my blog and join in if you like
Tabitha X

Sue xx said...

Just gorgeous!

Mandy xxx said...

Just gorgeous but so grown up! Don't you hate it? LOL. Kaiesha did the same a few weeks ago, my comprimise was from bum length to bra strap length! gorgeous Miss Kara!