Thursday 24 April 2008

Soon We'll Start Charging.....

Meet Sparkle and Twinkle (LMAO).

These are the latest addition to Kara's animal collection.

My friends just laugh now ~ every time they visit, there's a new pet and they give me grief :P

Honestly, I just cannot help it. Kara, since she was a baby, has had an affinity to animals. She's just always loved them and been great with them and I feel it's something I should encourage.... we go to the zoos etc but she says it's just not the same.

So now she is the proud owner of two birds, a cat, a dog, a rat, fish, snails and unfortunately, her stick insect died. She has her hopes set on a rabbit and turtle next but that won't be happening..... not this week anyway :P


Tabitha said...

Sparkle and Twinkle look really lovely!!
It is so nice that Kara has all those pets, we have 2 fish and a rabbit ~ but Karas pets are far more interesting!!
You are right ~ you will have to start charging people to see them (you'd make a mint!!!)
Hope you are well and Kara has settled well after her visit to her father.
Tabitha X

meganxxx said...

LOL V you have a menagerie!!!!

My poor kids only have a dog-I always kill fish, Rohan is allergic to cats, and there really is no room for anything else anyway!!!
Havent caught up for ages-hope all is well with you and the devine Miss K!!!!xx

Trudi said...

Oh get a turtle V - turtles are GREAT

Vanessa x said...

T ~ I need NO encouragement :P

I have just found out a friend has a 3 foot tank (with pumps, filters and all) that they don't want, so it looks like it will be happening..... it's either a turtle or frogs!
