Monday 19 May 2008

Oilily and Fred Bare!!!!!

I know some of you loooove the above, so I thought I'd stick a quick post here to tell you to look at my ebay listings :P

Over the next few weeks, I will be listing at least 100 items in size 4-6 from Kara's wardrobe. A couple of you have asked me in the past to let you know when I list, so I thought this was the easiest way!!

My Ebay id is "fredbare!" and there will be a lot of summer gear.

( a link!!!!



Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Kitty's still only a 86/92 Oilily, bummer.
How's the rat??

Banks School of Scottish Dancing said...

that top is gorg. I am watching it. Dee really DOESN"T need it, but I just might!!! LOL!