Saturday 3 May 2008

Still Not Used To It!

For the past few days, I keep looking at Kara and thinking how different she looks. How can a few inches of less hair change a kid soooo much.

This morning when I got up (Kara let me sleep in because of my back pain lol), Kara had dressed herself and all I could hear from her playroom was "I look soooo trendy" PMSL. I was surprised at her choice of clothing as she says she never wants to wear denim but for whatever reason, this dress passes her strict criteria lol.

Once I summonsed the energy to get out of bed, I took a few pics of her 'surfing' on the rocking chair..... she was just so adorable and sooooo happy. She insisted she wouldn't fall, but the last pic proves her wrong.

I know I say it a lot (and I know it's a good thing) but my little girl is growing so fast. Being her Mummy, I think she is also growing more and more beautiful every day :)



Tabitha said...

She is beautiful Vanessa and the new hair style makes her look older ~ it really suits her.
I like the choice of ourfit and the denim looks good.
Tabitha X

ThatChickErin said...

She is truly adorable. I love the new haircut and I would agree with her... very trendy! ;) Actually my haircut is almost the same but I don't look nearly as cute OR trendy. Bummer! :)

erin from California (just a lurker, I really should update my blog one of these days!)

Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Oh Vanessa,

Kara's hair looks so good and that skin, perfect! well done on the job lovey!
How's your poor back, I've torn a muscle before and it bloody kills, thank god Kara's older and you don't have to lug her around everywhere too.
