Sunday 18 May 2008

Poor Violet :(

I know sooooo many of you cringe at the thought of a rat ~ I am forever getting shit about owning one from friends lol.
But, just like Charlotte and Sweety (our cat and dog), Violet is one of our pets both Kara and I are attached to her just as much (if not more) than them (our love birds died btw ~ both were dead at the bootm of their cage on thursday and I have nfi why.....).
Anyway, Violet isn't well :( We took her to the vet today ($75 later....) and she is on antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory..... she has some respiratory problem.
Kara's upset about the prospect of her dying soon and has been holding and loving her a lot today.... I'm hoping the drugs improve her a bit and she lives for a bit longer...
She's sooo cute :P


kristen said...

It's so sad for the kids isn't it. We lost 2 rabbits that just got sick and we had no idea why.

Tabitha said...

Oh Vanessa, what a shame, I am so sorry that your birds died.
I hope that Violet makes a speedy recovery!!
When our hamster died my two kids were devastated ~ but we got 2 fish and they seemed happy with that!!
love and hugs, Tabitha XX

meganxxx said...

So sorry V and Kara- I know how much you guys love that rat :(

Mind you I know I always say how yukky it is I would never wish it any ill will-fingers crossedxx

BTW-in my next life i think i might be a vet-they charge a bloddy fortune don't they?

Danielle said...

Oh that is sad.

Maddy loves her rat. I am still yet to touch the rat and may never actually touch her. But I do sneak her chocolate every now and again.

I hope she gets better.


Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Oh god,

Rats and mice are the only things that really freak me out, give me a crazy cow anyday (you know I grew up on a farm)

The only thing I was ever scared of was rats and mice.

You'd think being such a tiny teensy animal the vet would charge less!