Thursday 26 June 2008

Bragging...... again :P

For what it's worth, I think Kara is bright :P She amazes me daily with what she knows and what's even more impressive is that she teaches herself constantly. She will sit down for hours and do maths. She will get home from school and write stories (that make sense!). She always wants to learn and always has.

The past few months, I suppose because I spend so much time around other 5 year olds, I appreciate her knowledge even more... if that's possible. With maths for example, she goes through her 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. She knows addition, subtraction, multiplication and some basic division. She loooooooves to play Yahtzee and kicks my butt when she does lol. She sits in the back seat on the way home and reads the school newsletter.... she still stumbles but she's only 5.... how has she learnt soooooo much in so little time? She amazes me.
Tonight, we were reading a book about the life cycle of a butterfly. One of the first pages was explaining how the caterpillar uses its silk to keep the leaf it's in folded over. I asked Kara if she could think of a reason as to why it would do this. Her response was simply "to protect itself from it's predators of course". She then suggested it would also protect the 'creature' from bad weather.

I know I'm rambling lmao but I wanted to make sure I start keeping track of some of her comments. I'm SO SO SO proud of you sweet girl. xxx

And just a couple of pics.... Miss K had her first disco a couple of weeks ago and requested I make silver stretch pants (thanks to the Bratz)......

And this was taken on Tuesday ~ in her new (Mummy made :P) school pini and most importantly to K, scrunchies .... she looks so grown up.... and yes, she also looks stunned. That's what I get when I ask her to open her eyes (as opposed to squinting....).


Tabitha said...

I think it is great to keep track of all those special and funny little comments kids make ~ so soon we forget what they were like at certain ages (well I do anyway ha ha!!).
Kara looks great in those photos ~ and those pants are great ~ I love them (Lauren did too!!).
Hope you are both well,
love and hugs ~ Tabitha XXX

Jane said...

I'd like to order a pair of silver stretch pants my size. How do you think I'd look at Curves in those, eh???!!!!!!!!

Gee you are clever with that needle, Vanessa!! I am so impressed. When are you listing some of your hand made items, Miss?????



Tanya said...

Hi Vanessa, I have really enjoyed your blog, Kara is a beautiful little girl.. it saddens me to read about how you are struggling when Kara goes to her dad's! so unfair!!!! I know she needs to spend time with him, but it sounds to me she has everything she needs with you!! Oh & those silver pants are so cute, Kara looks great in them! You are one very amazing woman Vanessa & I take my hat off to you.. hope you don't mind me stopping by,

take care,

Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Well said Tanya!!

Hi V,

I need to email you but I'm about to go to bed soon so I will tomorrow! How good are you sewing those pants. I have trouble just sewing a button on! And as for Kara that's fantastic reading etc for a 5 yr old. All of your one on one time with her is really paying off!

Anyway, you'll hear from me soon,


Vanessa x said...

Thanks guys ~ Tanya, being called amazing doesn't sit well lmao. Sometimes I read back on some of my posts and think faaaaaark ~ how bad does that read!!! So thanks for your lovely words.

Jane ~ I pmsl at your request. Perhaps I could make a pair with port colours? They'd fit nicely into boots too.... ROFLMFAO (you know, I still have loads of milage left in that one HAHAHAHA).

Annnnd yes, I plan on sewing soon. I've been saying it for two years, but so far Kara has claimed the finished items. I think the next few will be smaller so she can't squeeze into them....

Tanya said...

Hi Vanessa, thanks for stopping by & for your lovely comments!! Hubby is Dutch/Indonesian, he has the nice olive skin, dark hair & eyes... & I have Italian ancestry.... but the kids take after their dad!!

Have a great day,

Tanya xx

Jane said...

Make the port ones in Nick's size please. I'II stick with silver.

I bought Thomas a port bean bag from Spotlight last week - $10. They had a Carlton one too if you want me to get it for you!! Very tacky, but he loves it.

