Thursday 5 June 2008

Honesty is the Best Policy.....


Who came up with that crappy saying???

Why do people ask for opinions if they don't really want an honest answer? It really sh*ts me.

I can't stand it when a friend puts you in a situation that you can't squirm out of ~ when they ask you something that you either have to be honest with or totally lie about BUT at the same time, you know that the truth isn't what they want to hear.

Well, I can't lie ~ especially about 'big' things. So, if you don't want an honest answer, don't ask me :P

Now, Miss K.

I walked into her room last night and she was crying and looking at herself in the mirror. I asked her what was wrong and she got really upset and said "why am I so ugly Mummy". Gulp. It took all my strength to not scoop her up and cry.... I, of course, told her she is just beautiful, inside and out, to which she said "No I'm not. We're the ugly family". Well, thanks babe LMAO.

Seriously though, I felt sooooo sad for her. I asked her teacher today and apparently there are a couple of kids saying negative things about themselves and others and obviously some kids take it onboard more than others. How can 5 years of 'I love you', 'you're gorgeous', 'you're divine' etc. be undone in a few days. It scares me that she's already thinking negatively of herself.


Tabitha said...

I know what you mean about the honesty bit ~ I have a friend who asks my opinion and when it isn't what she wants to hear, she has a strop!!!
As for Kara ~ she truly is a gorgeous little girl and it is so unfair that anyone should make her feel otherwise!! Lauren often comes home from school telling me what some nasty child said ~ it is so hard when they are at school ~ you spend 4 years protecting them and then they go to school and you can't be there to help them along!!!
I hope that she is ok and tell her from me that she shouldn't worry ~ she is very very beautiful!!
love and hugs ~ Tabitha XXX

Fari said...

Awwwww! Some kids can be so nasty but your girl is simply divine! She's absolutely gorgeous! I can't believe day by day, younger and younger kids are getting worried about their looks......what is this world turning into? :( I didnt care how I looked like until I was like 16 haha!