Tuesday 10 June 2008

No More Rats

Well, that's what I said last Friday to to the vet ~ they have cost me a fortune in the past. But then, on Sunday, I called around Adelaide searching for one. I just knew if Kara came home to an empty cage that she'd find Violet gone harder......

After about 15 calls and having to answer "do you want a live or frozen one" a dozen times, I finally found a female. I drove to get her and as I was about to leave the carpark, I wondered if she should have a friend. Sooooo, I went back in and bought a Rex Rat (curly coat/whiskers). So now we have two..... they better survive.

On Monday night, Kara said to me "Mummy, thanks so much for buying Sally and Dasher because I wouldn't have survived if you didn't". She's so darn cute.

V xxx

Dasher ~ named so because she kept running away from Kara


Tabitha said...

That is just fantastic Vanessa and good on you for making the situation better ~ Kara is so sweet and what she said is just priceless ~ children do come out with such wonderful things!!!
The rats look so sweet and I love the names too.
Take care,
love and hugs Tabitha XXX

Jane said...

You killed the RAT TOO?!!

Vanessa x said...

I know you can be a cow but that was mean..... biatch :P

Kara still gets upset ~ she thinks about her and runs to the new ones to try to take her mind from Violet... poor baby.


Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Oh Kara, I'm so glad you'll now survive...what a divine comment, but your rats still give me the heebies!!

Because I grew up on a farm there were always dead rats the cats had brought home to show us (along with baby possums and baby rabbits..eeewww) and they always made me feel sick. I don't know why and I know they are diffenent to mice but they both scare me. Maybe it's because they are so small?

anyway, I'm glad Kara's got some new friends.


Jane said...

Please leave the cow out of it (and any other animal....I fear for their safety).

Vanessa x said...

PMSL Jane :P

I could never have pet rabbits Em...... my dad is Maltese and used to cook them ROFLMFAO. I think it scarred for for life LOL


Banks School of Scottish Dancing said...

Oh Kara looks so excited with her new babies.

(glad it's you and not me though!!)

Have a wonderful weekend


Trudi said...

Oh they are so cute!

Kara looks pretty happy with them....

Emma-Kate Castricum said...

I popped over tonight thinking there would be a victorious Carlton post! they did win didn't they??

Banks School of Scottish Dancing said...

Im worried about you Vanessa. Is everything ok?
I just read your comment on Sheye's blog, plus you haven't posted for ages.
