Tuesday 12 June 2007

The Poor Emu....

I took Kara to the museum on Monday and she just loves it there!!! There is a section of Native Australian animals and I meant to get a pic of this last time we were there before I forget the story!!!.....

Two years ago, Kara being 2 1/2, we were visiting the museum. Kara, after looking at several stuffed animals, asked me why they were there. I went through the whole 'to educate others story' and she seemed satisfied with that (although a little concerned that these animals had been killed for our benefit). About 20 minutes later, Kara was on the verge of tears. I asked her what was wrong as she was totally fine until that point and she said....

"The poor baby emu".

I asked what she meant.

Her reply....."Well Mummy, look at him. He was about to eat a meal when somebody killed him".

This was the poor emu.

Every time we see that display, I laugh and get odd looks lol.


Fari said...


Sue xx said...

Imagine what's going to come out of her mouth when she is older! She's hilarious ;)
Sue xx