Wednesday 13 June 2007

A Sad Day :(

A dear friend lost her mother last week and today she was given a 'beautiful' service to farewell her. The loss of anybody makes you think about where you're at in life but when it's somebody so so special, you question yourself a little deeper. You also try to make sense of such a massive loss and get nowhere.

Today, being a Catholic Maltese funeral, there were many comforted by their faith and for a moment, I understood why so many people have the beliefs they do ~ to get them through days like this. Perhaps it helps them 'deal' with their loss; perhaps it helps them believe that their loved one is in a much better place ~ I don't fully understand it, especially when seeing such a huge outpour of grief but I hope it helps them in some way.

Jos ~ I am so sorry for what you, your mother and entire family have been through of late. Your mother was such a beautiful woman and it was so clear today that she was so very loved and respected. I like to think she is up there looking after Ava xxx

I loved this verse from your Mum's card:

You never failed to do your best,
Your heart was true and tender.
You simply lived for those you loved
And those you loved remember.

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