Saturday 9 June 2007

I Feel Like I Can Breathe Again...

For a little over twelve months, I have lived every day in a state of 'dread' ~ out of fear of what might happen with my daughter at the end of a lengthy custody dispute. I know some have felt I should have handled it better than I did but in all honesty, I couldn't have done that. I know that I have done what is best for Kara every step of the way but I also know that it was a nightmare for me and that there were times when I felt I just couldn't do it anymore. Seeing your child hurting and not being able to have any control over that is something I would wish on nobody.

Anyway, last week, Kara's father and I came to some sort of agreement. We have decided to try to work out some orders away from court (I HATE that word) and I am finally feeling like a balance can be met ~ Kara will get the relationship with her father that SHE deserves without her whole world having to be turned upside down for the next 3 years. It's all I have wanted all along and I am just so grateful we have reached this spot.

I never thought I would say this, but I am so grateful to Kara's father for attempting to see our side of this situation. I feel like I can breathe again and enjoy my little girl without fear trailing me.

Mum, Rachael, Tanya, Meredith, Vickie and every single online friend who has been there for 12 months ~ thanks so so much for everything you guys have done (I am getting all emotional LOL). You have all put Kara's needs first when dishing out advice and I wouldn't have got through this without you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Rachael said...

so glad its all worked out Ness xx

Precious Pink Pumps said...

wow..without knowing what you've been through, it sounds like it's been hard. Wonderful that you have been able to resolve the issues that means a good outcome for Kara. I am glad you are entering a new stage in your life and can breathe again!

Fari said...

I have no idea what you went through but I am glad everything is starting to work out. Your little girl is gorgeous and she deserves the best :-)

Sue xx said...

I think you do what you have to do and no-one can say what they would do in that situation until they are living it.
It got a bit crazy there for a while didn't it. I am so glad that you could work it out together and come to a decision :)
Big Hugs
Sue xx

Vanessa x said...

Thanks so much guys.


Kate said...

Phew! That is great to read V!