Tuesday 10 April 2007


Kara and I celebrated Easter a few times this year, to make up for her not being home on Sunday! It began at Bonython Park on Saturday for a public egg hunt and it was crazy! There were 3 times as many people as expected and lines galore but she still had fun ( a little bit according to Kara!). The highlight was having her face painted as a ladybug :)

Sunday began with Kara searching for a sickening amount of chocolate. It was EVERYWHERE and she was in her element. She then spent the day with her father and when I picked her up, we went ot Nanna's! The Easter bunny left choccies there too, so all was good :)

One more week of kindy and Kara is on holidays and I cannot wait. I am sooooo looking forward to having some down time with my baby and just having fun :)

Saturday ~ My Ladybug

Sunday Morning...

Nanna's House.....


Precious Pink Pumps said...

OH I lOOOOOVEEE that Fred dress. I am always on the lookout for it. I think my daughter is a bit younger than Kara...if you are ever thinking of selling it.....lol

Vanessa x said...

LOL ~ done. It will be going after this summer :)