Sunday 1 April 2007

Some Pics....

ARGGGGGH I just typed out a message and added all of the pics and it failed.... let's try again LOL.

The wedding was FABULOUS!! A perfect ceremony and a gorgeous setting. It was great to catch up with some old friends and Myriam looked gorgeous (she always does......).

I didn't quite master Tan's camera but got a few shots that are OK ~ I sooo need my camera back NOWWWW.

Amika, Myriam and Manny's daughter, has grown so much and she is just so beautiful. She's at the age where getting a good pic is near impossible, but I got a couple I love!!!

Myriam, Manny and Amika ~ congratulations guys. Wishing you all the VERY best as a family and I hope you recieve all of the good fortune that you all deserve in the future. xxxxx


Her Divine Mummy ~ Myriam

Myriam and Manny

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