Sunday 29 April 2007

My Sister Must have Sensed..... bad I was feeling tonight and she sent me an email. Do you ever get a message, or sign, or anything that comes at the PERFECT moment? Well, this did for me.

I suppose most of us already know this but sometimes reading something reinforces it for me. Why oh why was this not sent to me months ago LOL. Maybe it's because I am in a better (or worse?) place to absorb it.

"Here is a metaphor I think we can all learn from....Buddha is renowned for responding to evil with good.A man heard about Buddha and what he stood for and decided that he would try his hardest and put Buddha to the test.Whilst in Buddha's presence this man verbally insults him over and over again, to which Buddha remains unmoved. Buddha then say's to the man " Can I ask you a question?" the man said "What?" Buddha said " If someone gives someone a gift and they choose not to accept that gift , who does it then belong to?" the man responded with "Well of course the person who first tried to give the gift" Buddha said " That is right, so if I reject your insults and abuse , does it not then belong to you?"

Thanks so much for the email Rachael ~ I love you sooo much xxxxx

Oh, as a side note. Twelve months ago today, I was served with THE papers that I thought would be the end of me LOL. Well, I am so glad the worst is over (hopefully) and to those of you who have helped me through such a difficult phase, I am so so grateful. It truly was just an awful time in my life and I know I have complained a lot about it but so many of you have stuck by me every step of the way ..... MWAHHHH to you. xxxxx

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